MADA History & Activities
In 1929, a group of antique dealers within and around Maine decided to form an association and promote their trade by organizing an annual show. Thus the Maine Antiques Dealers Association (MADA), the nation’s oldest organization devoted to the antiques trade, was born.
In 1943, after several years of sponsoring successful antique shows, the members of MADA ceremoniously voted to organize into a corporation to promote fair trade practices and relations within the antique business, to promote and maintain a standard of ethics designed to inspire the confidence of the public, and to disseminate valuable trade information. These practices and standards of ethics continue within our membership’s obligations today.
Antique Shows
Since MADA sponsored its first show in 1929 for fifty-nine exhibitors at the Lafayette Hotel in Portland with an admission fee of twenty-five cents, a major purpose of this association has been to organize antique shows for its members.
We continue to promote antique shows for MADA members, including the Coastal Maine Antiques Show each August.​
Antique Dealer Directory
We print a popular MADA Antiques Dealer Directory and Shop Guide each spring which is distributed throughout Maine and in neighboring states. Each MADA member also receives directories to distribute to customers, and we mail free copies to all who request one.
MADA Grants
As part of MADA's focus on supporting preservation and ongoing study of the historical treasures of Maine, MADA offers grants to institutions and organizations engaged in historic preservation, education. For more information on our grant program, please see our MADA grants page on this website.